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- With Kno you can now gather customer insights pre-purchase
With Kno you can now gather customer insights pre-purchase
gain a valuable understanding of the reasons people may hesitate making their purchase

A vital component of TrueClassic’s spectacular growth, from launch in 2019 to $250m (2013) has been their relentless pursuit of customer insights.
Know what your customer wants and you’ll learn to sell more products.
They’ve used KnoCommerce from their early days and the last time I checked are asking their customers 14 questions post-purchase ranging from ‘how did you discover us?’ to the stores they usually browse, the clothes they buy online through to open ended questions asking 'what do you wish we offered more of?’ (if you’d like to receive a link to a slidedeck I’ve created highlight the 14 questions just let me know)
All that data is then collated to assist with post-purchase email flows and to gain a better understanding of their customers buying habits and shopping behaviour.
That’s post-purchase… what about before the ‘buy now’ is hit?
I’ve worked with both KnoCommerce and Fairing to help my clients gain key customer insights. Both tools are immensely useful to your work (if used correctly).
This week sees Kno take surveying one step further with the introduction of pre-purchase surveying.
This opens up the opportunity to reach 98% (assuming you’re converting at 2%) of the visitors to your site. That’s a lot of valuable knowledge to be gained. Yes, tools such as HotJar have allowed you to gain insights from customers leaving your site. And yes, there are a range of free tools that allow you to do similar research. Not to the level of Knocommerce where you can use those insights to plot your growth strategy.

Pre-Purchase Surveying by Kno on True Classic
As highlighted by Bar Bruhis in his recent Linkedin update - the new Kno feature allows TrueClassic to;
Understand what is creating friction from someone buying (and getting ahead of it)
Better understand how to merchandise their store knowing;
What their customer is looking for?
What size, colour, category/style, material, occasion?
Who are they shopping for?
Hugely valuable insights that feed your marketing, operations, customer services and product merchandising teams. Plus there’s the opportunity to incentivise (eg. a 10% discount code) for customers that provide feedback.
You need to start focusing on gathering data before the sale
I still see countless missed opportunities with brands throwing pop-ups on screen in the hope of capturing email addresses. They’re missing a huge trick.
Klaviyo’s own pop-up form builder alongside next level pop-up tools such as Alia unlock key insights from your customers to help you sell better and more often.
All this data can be set as custom-properties against an email profile within Klaviyo. You’ll know the reason people are on your website. That means you’ll know how to sell better! It takes hours, not days to setup. You just need to know what insights you want to gather. What can a customer tell you that makes it easier for you to sell a product to them?
Over the next few weeks I’ll be sharing examples from my own work on how customer surveying has impacted the way my client’s have marketed their products… even down to fundamental product positioning.
So, if you haven’t already, subscribe to Ecommerce Martech to get my latest updates sent direct to your inbox.